Tuesday 11 June 2013

Our Sin-City..Vegas '13

My excuse for not blogging much lately? One word..
13 of us girls jetted off to the definition of party-paradise on the 19th of May & stayed in the Cosmopolitan for my friends Birthday celebrations.. & celebrating we did!
Here's a few personal snapshots of one of the best weeks of my life..
View from our window




Fountain background

Wet Republic pool-party

Me & The Birthdayy Girl


I've came home suffering a serious case of the Vegas Blues, luckily I've had my fave's
to help with my Sin City cravings. Summer's offically begun, Vegas has been ticked off & already i've celebrated one of my girl's Birthdays &
Parklife Festival this weekend now roll on the rest of the summer fun..
HQ's Birthdayy Celebrations in Liverpool

We <3 Parklife


Next chapter? THAILAND!
Roll on August with my ladies. Adventure part.2


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